The Golden Sunset" is a stunning glass art piece created from recycled wine bottle glass and other colored glass, predominantly in shades of red, gray and gold. The piece features a unique, abstract design that captures the essence of a beautiful sunset over the horizon.

The use of wine bottle glass in the creation of the piece adds depth and texture to the overall composition. The rich, deep red hues create a warm and inviting ambiance, while the golden accents add a touch of luxury and elegance.

The intricate patterns and curves of the glass create a sense of movement, as if the piece is alive with the vibrant energy of the sunset. Each layer of glass is carefully crafted and delicately arranged to capture the beauty of the colors and the play of light and shadow.

"The Golden Sunset" is a true masterpiece that celebrates the beauty of recycled materials and the artistic vision of the creator. It is a unique and captivating work of art that will add a touch of sophistication and glamour to any space.

Price $0.00
Dimensions 11 x 9 x
H x W x D (in)